Six Rivers News
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Summer Frolic 2021
6RPC hosted a local Two-Day Eventing Schooling Show August 7-8th. Dressage tests were judged by Elaine Kerrigan. The cross-country jumps were built by or under the instruction of Bayard Smith, who used to build the cross country fences for the Horse Park at Woodside. The Showjump course was designed by Alicia Smith, DVM. Showjump rounds were scored for optimum time. Thank you to all the riders who participated. It was a great learning opportunity for all! Last but certainly not least, thank you to our sponsors!

Sierra Pacific Region Camp
A few members attended camp at Lone Tree Farm this year. Sierra Pacific Region and Lone Tree put on an excellent camp. This was a combined level Regional Camp that took place form June 24-27th. The lineup of instructors included Allyson Hartenburg, Lauren LoPiccolo Katy Bargalow.
Almost all rallies in the Sierra Pacific region were canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19. We do have some news for 2020 though. Let's hope everyone is staying safe and 2021 is a better year.

EBTH 2020:
Six Rivers Pony Club attended the Everything But the Horse (EBTH) and won 1st place! Congratulations team!!!
C Prep Clinic:
Three of our riders attended the C Prep Clinic in our region with trainer Judy McHeron.
Member Certifications:
We had four unrated members complete their certifications. Two became D-1s and two became D-2s. One of our D-1 members earned their D-2 certification. One member earned their C-1 in Horsemanagement and flat riding. Another member accomplished their C-2. Way to go everyone!
September 2019:
Sierra Pacific Region D Rally 2019
Our team won 1st Place overall and 1st Place for Horse Management. Well done to our riders! The team earned Champion in Divisions A and B, and Reserve Champion in Beginner Novice. Way to go Six Rivers!!!

June 2019:
Summer Frolic 2019- July 27th at Redwood Acres

May 2019:
Congratulations Six Rivers Pony Club!!!
Our team won First Place overall at the Dressage Rally and in Horse Management. A couple of riders went on the next day to participate at the MidCal Games Rally with two other riders and Stable Manager. They too won First Place overall and in Horse Management.
April 2019:
Dressage and Games Rally 2019
This year there will be a Dressage Rally and Games Rally in one weekend. Six Rivers Pony Club has members competing in each of these rallies.
Go Six Rivers Pony Club!!!